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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jar of Heart

I was having trouble with Blogger so if you try this and any steps seem to be missing please let me know. :)

Kit Used : Jar of Hearts by BlackWidowcreationz. You can find all of her amazing stuff HERE.
Tube of choice or this awesome tube I am using by James Adams found HERE
Template by CrazyCakesScraps. I am not sure what the name of this template is but it is the one that reads, "I didn't discover curves ... ". It was posted on Wed. September 8, 2010. You can get it HERE
Filters : Eye Candy 4000

 Open up your template. Image - resize with the following settings :

Delete the © and word layers.
Merge your left black rectangle down with the right. Selections- select all - float - defloat. Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_PP3 as new layer - invert - delete. Now with your crop tool crop around the entire canvas to clean up the extra paper. 
Now repeat your merge and selection steps with the pink rectangle and with your paintbrush tool paint it #71088a. 
After deselecting your purple rectangle make the layer active. EyeCandy 4000 - Gradient glow with the following settings : 
Repeat your selection, color, and glow steps on your inner stripes layer.
Repeat glow on your black rectangle layer.
Make your main circle layer active - selections - select all - float - defloat -expand by 2 and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_PP5 into selection -select none - gradient glow.
Make your pink circles active - selections - select all - float - defloat - paste BWC_JarsofHearts_PP1 as new selection - invert - delete - crop around your canvas - select none. 
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL11 as a new layer - resize 50% but make sure all layers is deselected. Position on top of your purple circle and adjust to your liking -make your purple circle active - selections - select all - float - defloat - invert - make cloud layer active and hit delete - select none - repeat with other side.
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL13 as new layer and position in the top right corner of your little rectangle 3 layer as shown - duplicate - mirror and merge your two tree layers together. Make rectangle active - selections - select all - float - defloat - invert - make tree layer active - delete. Repeat these steps on the other rectangle 1 layer.
Make your circlemess layer active - selections - select all - float - defloat -expand 2 - now take your paint brush tool and set the color for gradient with these settings :

For the color I used black and the same purple as before. Gradient glow. 
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL14 as new layer - gradient glow - resize 60% position as shown :

Duplicate - mirror - merge wings - duplicate - keep one layer on top and position one wing layer behind the purple rectangle. With your eraser tool erase the joints of the wings on the top wing layer.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer - position to your liking inside the left black rectangle - make your rectangle active - selections - select all - float - defloat -invert - make your tube layer active and hit delete. Repeat this with the right rectangle - merge down - duplicate your double tube layer and on your top layer change the blend mode to darken - adjust the opacity to 32.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer and resize 70%. Position as shown and add a drop shadow to your liking.
Open BWC_JarsofHearts_EL16 and paste as a new layer - resize 25% - gradient glow - position as shown.
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL27 as new layer - resize 50% - gradient glow - position on both sides of your tube. Make sure your jar is on top of the flower layers but still position beneath the main tube.
Copy and past BWC_JarsofHearts_EL7 as new layer and position by your right bat wing - gradient glow.
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL9 - resize 50% and position on your right - gradient glow - paste it once again and resize 60% gradient glow and position next to your small candle.
Copy and paste BWC_JarsofHearts_EL18 as new layer - resize 50% - free rotate to the left 30 - position slightly behind your jar as shown.
Add any txt and ALL ©

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